SEO Agency Manchester: Helping You Rank Higher on Search Engines

Are you a business owner in Manchester struggling to rank higher when someone runs a Google search for terms relevant to your business activities, service or product? Do you want to increase your online visibility and attract more potential customers to your website, in a B2B or B2C environment? If yes, then you need the services of a reliable SEO agency Manchester can rely on. In this article, the expert digital marketing team at Seek Social will show you why if you find yourself in such a position, we’re the digital marketing agency that you should turn to.

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Local SEO

If your business is looking to market itself in a specific geographical area, then you need Local SEO. The team at Seek Social are experts in this area, and the people you want to guide and implement your Local SEO strategy. For more details on how we can help you be the biggest fish in your local pond, click here!

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On-Page SEO

On-Page SEO is the art of amending and refining a given webpage’s content to ensure that search engines can understand it’s topic and message easily, and rank it highly for appropriate search terms. Click here for more details on how our team of trained SEO professionals can help you make sure that every piece of content and page is ranking well and working hard for you!

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Off-Page SEO

Off-page SEO is about improving your site’s standing on the wider internet, the opinion that search engines have of your site, and as a result, where they rank it in their listings. For more details on how the experts at Seek Social can help make sure that your site keeps its good name, and uses it to rank well, click here!

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SEO Agency Manchester: Helping You Rank Higher on Search Engines

What is SEO?

SEO, or Search Engine Optimization, is the process of optimizing your website and its content to improve its visibility and where it ranks in the organic search results for relevant search terms.

SEO Agency Manchester: Helping You Rank Higher on Search Engines

Why Hire an Agency to Provide SEO?

The concise answer to this is simply because getting SEO right is not easy, and getting it wrong can cause a myriad of issues for your site and your business. It requires a lot of technical and theoretical knowledge to correctly optimise a web page so that it shows up towards the top of a given set of search results, not to mention adherence to a code of ethics, and best practices defining how to do the job correctly. However, with an agency like Seek Social on your side you don’t need to worry about that – all you need to think about is the benefits that well-executed SEO can have for your business or brand, which include:

Improved online visibility: A professional SEO agency can help you improve your website’s visibility by making sure that it appears towards the top of the search engine results when someone runs a search for a relevant term or keyword.

Increased traffic: By ranking higher on search engines and being more visible, you can attract more traffic to your website, and more traffic is proven to result in increased leads, sales and revenue for you.

Cost-effective: SEO is one of the most cost-effective marketing strategies, as it targets users who are already searching for products or services similar to yours – users with a clear interest in – or even better, intent to buy – products and services like yours.

Long-lasting results: SEO can provide long-lasting results, as the positive changes made to your website can keep your site riding higher in the rankings than an un-optimised site for a long time.

SEO Agency Manchester: Helping You Rank Higher on Search Engines

How to Choose the Right SEO Agency

Choosing the right SEO agency in Manchester can be a daunting task, especially if you don’t know what skills and qualities are important – however, part of our mission is to spread the word about good digital marketing practice. So, in line with that mission here are some factors that you, as the end user or client, should consider and be looking for.

Experience: Look for an agency with a proven track record of success, with experience in your industry.

Services offered: Make sure the agency you choose covers the entire SEO process from start to finish – that is, from an initial SEO audit through to post-campaign analytics and debriefing.

Communication: Choose an agency that communicates clearly and regularly with you, providing you with regular reports and updates.

Price: While price shouldn’t be the only factor you consider, you should make sure that the agency’s pricing is transparent and fits within your budget.

SEO Agency Manchester: Helping You Rank Higher on Search Engines

Why Seek Social are an SEO Agency Manchester relies on, and the Right Choice for you

Seek Social have been a competitor in the SEO market since the early days of the discipline. It will be hard to find another company in the UK or worldwide that can match our level of experience, the track record of success delivered by our proven approach to SEO and the wider field of digital marketing – which you can see for yourself through our case studies – nor the positive reputation that each of these elements have helped to earn our company.

SEO Agency Manchester: Helping You Rank Higher on Search Engines


One of the things that sets Seek Social apart as an SEO agency Manchester can trust is our knowledge, and the transparency with which we work. As part of that transparent approach, here are a few common questions about SEO, answered in plain English:

On-page optimization involves working directly on the various elements of a given web page (or pages) to make it more appealing to search engines. including its structure, meta tags, and keywords, to improve its visibility and ranking on search engines.

Off-page optimisation is an SEO strategy that lets you improve your ranking without changing the content or other elements of your site. Primarily this is done through link building, though there are also other approaches that can be used.

Link building involves creating high-quality backlinks to your website from other reputable websites – with a backlink being a link on another site that leads back to yours. One good quality backlink from a high-authority source such as the BBC can really improve your website’s authority score (a measure of how much a search engine ‘trusts’ you as a source of information) and as a result your ranking on search engines too.

SEO Agency Manchester: Helping You Rank Higher on Search Engines

The Other Support That Seek Social can Provide you With

Lastly, don’t forget that Seek Social is more than just an SEO agency Manchester trusts – we’re a full-service digital marketing agency offering a range of professional-grade services. Our elite PPC and email marketing services can each deliver a top notch targeted campaign that yields the results you’re looking for – whether that’s an increased conversion rate, more traffic, greater reach or resonance with your target audience, or something else entirely. Likewise, our social media marketing offering outstrips many ‘dedicated’ social media companies , and our data science knowledge is second to none. To learn more about these services, how they add value to a business and why they are a sound investment for your company, call us today or use the details on our contact us page to set up a consultation with our team!