Start Your SEO Journey With A FREE Site Audit

What is an SEO audit?

An SEO audit is like a health check for your website. SEO pros like our team carry out these audits to analyse the technical, on-page and off-page elements of each page on your site, and assess how well-optimised they are.

Why do I need a free site audit for SEO?

Even if your SEO is already being handled by proven SEO practitioners like ourselves, things like updated search engine algorithms, changes in webmaster guidelines, old content or unexpected website errors can negatively affect your usability and visibility on search engines. As a result, it is best practice to carry out a periodic audit of your site – and yes, we do practice what we preach. The Seek Social website is audited once a week, enabling us to:

  • Monitor SEO performance in general, to make sure that things are always trending in the right direction.
  • Identify potential SEO issues early.
  • Take action against those potential issues, to prevent them having an adverse impact on our own SEO performance.

Even better, when you take advantage of our FREE site audit for SEO, or when you have them run periodically as a client of ours – you’ll be getting the very same audit that we run on our own site.

What happens after the audit?

Once the initial free site audit has been run, we’ll compile the results into an SEO report for you. This report will help you to see just how well optimised your website currently is, how many issues it has from an SEO standpoint and where they lie, and so on. The report will be presented in an intuitive, easy to understand way – in line with how we do things in general here at Seek Social – and we’ll also be on hand to advise on next steps based on the report’s findings, and even to talk about doing any of the  optimisation work that the report shows is needed on your behalf.

Get your FREE site audit from Seek Social

Ready to take the first step towards better SEO, and the business benefits that brings? Fill out the form below today to request an audit run by our team.

Take a look at these SEO case studies

The case studies below showcase the benefits that our team’s quality SEO support can deliver, and a key early point in each of these projects was the FREE site audit that we’ve been talking about on this page.

Seek Social’s support beyond this site audit

The great part about having a free site audit run by the Seek Social team, is first and foremost that because we’re a full-service digital marketing agency, we’re able to fix any issues that the audit highlights – from technical SEO issues to updated content, and beyond as necessary. This would be done as part of our proven website SEO services, but our support doesn’t stop there.

Again because we’re a full-service agency, we can also help with digital marketing support that isn’t SEO too – including things like Social Media Marketing, online paid ads campaigns, web design and development, and much more besides. Take a look through the ‘Our Services’ section for a comprehensive listing of things we can help you with, and feel free to get in touch with us via our site, or via our social media platforms (Instagram, Facebook, LinkedIn and X) to tell us more about your upcoming project, or to get your questions answered!