What Are Global SEO Services?

When people talk about ‘SEO’ in general, the digital marketing and search engine optimization experts at Seek Social know that more often than not they’re referring to the discipline known as ‘Global SEO’. As a result, global SEO services seek to get a site and its pages moving forward in the rankings in general – without a special effort being made to target audiences in certain geographic areas, or draw attention to certain products.


This can indeed be done, but these activities fall under ‘Local SEO’ and ‘Ecommerce SEO’ respectively – they aren’t global SEO services. To learn more about these sub-disciplines within the wider world of SEO that we haven’t mentioned yet, click the relevant links in the section below!

Other Types Of SEO Seek Social Can Support You With

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On-Page SEO

On-Page SEO is the art of amending and refining a given webpage’s content to ensure that search engines can understand it’s topic and message easily, and rank it highly for appropriate search terms. Click here for more details on how our team of trained SEO professionals can help you make sure that every piece of content and page is ranking well and working hard for you!

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Local SEO

If your business is looking to market itself in a specific geographical area, then you need local SEO. The team at Seek Social are experts in this area, and the people you want to guide and  implement your SEO strategy. For more details on how we can help you be the biggest fish in your local pond, click here!

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Ecommerce SEO

Ecommerce SEO is SEO undertaken with the aim of improving the online visibility and search engine ranking of ecommerce sites. These services focus on optimising various elements of an ecommerce site to attract traffic, increase conversion rate, and drive sales. To learn more about how the Seek Social team can help you do this, click below!

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Off-Page SEO

Off-page SEO is about improving your site’s standing on the wider internet, the opinion that search engines have of your site, and as a result, where they rank it in their listings. For more details on how the experts at Seek Social can help make sure that your site keeps its good name, and uses it to rank well, click here!

Do I Need Global SEO Services?

If you’re looking to make an improvement in the overall Google ranking of your site, then you definitely need SEO – and if you’re not looking to do so in a specific, defined geographical area, then yes, you will need some level of global SEO services or support in order to meet those goals.

What are the Benefits to my Business?

With a provider of good-quality global SEO services on your side, you’ll be able to grow the amount of organic traffic that your website gets in a sustainable way (and as a consequence of this, you’ll likely get more sales and conversions too. In short, good global SEO can help your entire digital marketing effort in some way, without the need for extensive spending on your part.

Our Global SEO Services in Action: Case Studies

Seek Social’s Global SEO Services

Seek Social always begin any new global SEO project with a full evaluation and audit of your current site. This lets us (and you) see what is, or is not working in the here and now. It gives everyone involved a benchmark against which progress can be evaluated, and lets the Seek Social team put together a task list and prioritise tasks that will yield larger benefits over shorter timeframes.

Search engines work by having software ‘read’ your site, looking at the words you use to determine what a given webpage is about. The more this software notices a given phrase, the higher you will rank when someone searches for that phrase. As a result the words you use are crucial to how your site ranks, and that’s where ‘keyword research’ comes in.

The search engine optimization experts at Seek Social are highly skilled at not only finding the right keywords for your webpages and the information you want to convey, but also using them often, and in the right places to make sure that your content is as appealing to search engines as it can be.

That doesn’t mean that keywords are the only thing that matter in global SEO services though – far from it! There are lots of other factors in play based around various other elements on each webpage – from the images you use to how you lay out your text, even the little snippet of information that Google shows to users on a results page. All of that (and more) impacts SEO, and the Seek Social team are incredibly experienced at making it all pull together and move you up the rankings.

Your Seek Social SEO expert will also provide search engine optimization services involving other websites – performing ‘off-page SEO’ tasks on your behalf. This procedure involves finding ways to put links to your site out there online, and thereby help your digital marketing efforts succeed. Off-page SEO is designed to improve two other factors that search engines use to determine where a webpage places in it’s rankings – ‘Page Authority’ and ‘Domain Authority’ – which are largely determined by how many links to your site the search engine can find elsewhere online.

This is an oft-overlooked part of the SEO process but one that our search engine optimization experts know is essential to long-term sustained success. The algorithms that govern what a search engine likes are constantly being improved, and in response we too need to carry out periodic re-evaluations of our work and tactics, and refine our approaches to match up with those improvements and keep your site at the top of the rankings.

Why You Should Partner With Seek Social For Global SEO Services

In this case the answer to that question is first and foremost ‘because we offer top-notch global SEO services’, however, let’s not forget that our global SEO services aren’t the only services that we can help you with. Our SEO offering is comprehensive, taking in all of the other main subgenres within the discipline, but because we’re a professional ‘full service’ digital marketing agency, we’re also able to offer a wide range of other digital marketing services too, including content writing, graphic design, email or paid ads campaign support, web design and more – so when you partner with us, you can access top-quality support across the board!