Seek Social - The Digital Agency North West Businesses Trust

The online shopping and business market is thriving! More and more people are choosing to shop online, and for all kinds of items. From shoes to cars, food to furniture—you name it, you can find it online.

Businesses of all types across the North West need to be marketing and selling through their website – if they’re not then they’re missing out on a highly lucrative revenue stream. However, marketing and selling through your website also needs to be done right to deliver success. Seek Social are the team you need on your side to ensure everything is done properly – and even better, we’re based right here in the North West of England too – in Greater Manchester. However, don’t let distance put you off – it doesn’t matter to us if you’re based in Leeds, London, or Lima, Peru – the Seek Social team stand ready to help you do digital marketing right.

We’ll ensure that your website is optimised for search engines so that potential customers can find you easily when they search for what you sell. We can also help with content creation for your site so that visitors get the information they need about your products or services quickly and easily.

If you want more information about how we can help with your digital marketing needs, then read on below for a more in-depth look at the services we provide and how we can help your business. Alternatively, if you’ve already made your mind up then feel free to get in touch today, and let’s talk about your project!

Seek Social's Digital Marketing Support Offering:

SEO is a process of improving the visibility of a website or a web page in search engine results pages (SERPs). Search engines are constantly upgrading their algorithms in order to penalize websites with poor content and reward those that offer engaging, high-quality information.

As an agency focused on digital marketing, we’re dedicated to helping businesses find success online by optimizing their websites for organic search. We have years of experience working with clients across industries to optimize their websites for search engines through every step of the SEO process: keyword research, link building strategies, technical optimization and more. We can help you understand how each element contributes to your overall rankings so that together we can make sure your website is optimized for maximum visibility.

There are many subgenres within SEO that we specialize in as well — most notably global SEO (international markets), local SEO (geotargeted campaigns), ecommerce SEO (online stores) and the Seek Social team can help you with all three – in both on-page and off-page modes.

Social media is a great way to reach your audience. Social media is a great way to engage with your audience. Social media is a great way to build your brand and business, and it’s an excellent opportunity for you to build trust with customers as well as attract new ones.

Whether you want us to manage all of your social accounts or just one or two, we can help you get the most out of Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and more! We’ll ensure that each post gets published at the right time and in the right place – so that it reaches those who need it most – while still being engaging enough for them to click through into your website if they’re interested in what else you have available online too!

Your website is the online face of your business. It’s where potential clients can learn more about you and your products, services, and/or offerings. In fact, it’s so important that for many consumers, a website is the first thing they look at when deciding whether to do business with someone or not. The same goes for search engines—and that means if a website isn’t up to par people won’t be able to find you because you won’t rank highly enough!

Websites are no longer just static pages filled with text and images; they have evolved into powerful marketing tools that provide an opportunity to connect with customers in ways competitors simply can’t match. When we create websites for our clients we build beautiful, functional websites that are easy to use and allow their businesses’ content (whether it’s written copy, images or another type of content like video) shine through. We can build custom websites from scratch or work from a template if you prefer too—it’s all about finding what works best for both your brand and budget while also serving as an effective tool in reaching new customers online.

Our in-depth understanding of PPC combined with our team of experts means we’re perfectly placed to help you deliver effective campaigns. This can be done through organic search engine optimisation (SEO), or by using paid advertising such as Google Adwords and Facebook ads. Paid search marketing is a great way to reach your target audience, get your message in front of people who are already looking for what you have to offer, and allows you to target your audience more effectively than other forms of marketing.

The benefits of opting for PPC are obvious: it allows you to scale up quickly and get the results you want quickly – but there are also some disadvantages too. For example, it could be expensive if not managed correctly; targeted; relevant offers may not always convert into sales; or even worse still lead generation which doesn’t convert into sales at all!

Our Other Digital Marketing Services

The four services we’ve spoken about above are the four pillars of a strong online presence and successful digital marketing – but they aren’t the only things the amazing team in our office can help you with. As a full-service digital marketing agency Seek Social also offer support in the fields of strategic planning for digital marketing, data science, email marketing campaign management, branding support, content creation and copywriting, online engagement, graphic design, and more besides – and as a Seek Social client you’ll get access to all of that expertise and creativity too!