Custom-built, Quality SEO Services in Blackpool

Seek Social is the premier digital marketing firm in Blackpool that provides custom-tailored solutions to develop your brand and help your business succeed online. It is our goal to deliver results, and help you win through campaigns that truly resonate with your target audience. With our expert team by your side you can expect more online traffic, more online sales, and overall a more profitable business experience with digital marketing.

Search Engine Optimisation

Our digital marketing agency is Blackpool’s search engine optimisation (or SEO) specialist. Our professional, fully qualified staff provide the best SEO service available in the area, and even the UK. Our goal is to deliver a positive digital marketing outcome for your business, whether that’s an increase in your site traffic greater online presence, or more online sales is up to you, but they can all come as a result of a better ranking on search engines.

Web Development

As an online shopfront, your website can be the main strategy to increase your brand’s online reach. Seek Social knows how to develop your site that users flock to when trying to explore your product or service. Your website should perfectly display all you brand can offer!


Good business branding is a matter of getting tiny details to work as an identifier for your company. Every design element and content should point back to your identity and voice. Seek Social knows how to shape branding that can attract the right audience.

Web Design

Our website design team, graphic designers, content writers and SEO staff are all experts in their field. They know what it takes to get the job done and provide you with a site that end users will love, one that will intrigue them, inspire them to learn more about your brand, and then buy from you

Paid Media

Creating and sustaining effective pay-per-click (PPC) campaigns takes expertise and highly specialised knowledge. Our team will use their skills in this area to enhance online awareness of your brand and more sales. What’s more, good pay per click or paid media solutions really can complement long-term SEO strategies, giving your business more holistic online growth.

Graphic Design

The graphic designers in the Seek Social office are invested in providing excellent quality designs that bring out your brand’s best aesthetic and help you carve out a space of your own within your industry. We know how to create compelling images and multimedia assets that users want to click. So whether you’re working in the business-to-business or business-to-consumer arena, we can craft visual content that impresses.

Social Media Marketing

Social media is a mainstay in the world of digital marketing. Different platforms like Facebook, Instagram, and more are crucial to growing organically online. Our digital marketing firm Blackpool can help you utilise the tools available in social media to up your credibility.

Advertising Campaign Management

Paid media campaigns and email marketing campaigns are not things that you can just set and forget and re-run on a regular basis. You need to compose your ad copy, you need to schedule your posts and mailshots to go out, you need to monitor performance and key metrics such as open rate, click through rate and conversion rate to judge whether or not they’ve been a success, and you really need some digital marketing experts on your side to help you identify, develop and enact winning strategies with these media.

In short, your campaign needs to be managed by a trained industry professional, and Seek Social are the best team in the north west to handle this!

Digital Marketing Training

At Seek Social we’re on a mission to spread the word about how when done right, digital marketing is a powerful tool for promoting your business and selling products. However, we also want to empower our clients and take care of as much of their digital marketing as they want to themselves, because we don’t believe that they should be beholden to a service provider – even when that provider is us! For that reason we also provide training in the various disciplines skills and task that together make up digital marketing.

You’ll find details on each digital marketing training course that we offer by clicking the heading above.

Why Choose Seek Social?

Every expert digital marketer in our team possesses exceptional talent and passion for the projects we undertake, but beyond this, each of them also has some level of professional certification or qualification relevant to their field. Our team is always committed to help you understand and carry out digital marketing, and we have won numerous awards and accolades for our work.

An industry certified, dedicated, award-winning team

Forward-thinking strategies

Seek Social’s digital marketing team knows how to best maximise your return on investment (or ROI) by ensuring that every strategy we create is resilient, and as future-ready as possible. Our specialists can shape campaigns that have great staying power, and make sure that you stay on top of the competition.

Original, creative solutions

Creativity is crucial in creating strategies, and our digital marketing company in Blackpool is adept at delivering that. We offer high-quality digital marketing services with a distinctive flavour, bringing unique solutions to the table. We strive to be creative and original in everything that we do.

Expert problem solving

We are critical thinkers, and we know that any issues identified with a campaign need to be resolved as soon as possible – otherwise they’re likely just costing you extra money, and maybe doing harm to your brand too. We use industry-leading techniques to monitor and evaluate strategies, ensuring that they bring only positive outcomes, and if problems happen, we’re quick to find a solution.

Long-term results

As an Internet marketing agency Blackpool can rely on, we understand that your strategies must stay relevant as the world around them changes. Our experts know how to do this and solidify your online presence, helping you beat the competitors in your niche. We are with you every step of the digital marketing journey.

Social Media Marketing

With the use of social media platforms like Facebook, LinkedIn and Instagram increasing exponentially, businesses need to develop strategies that target these online platforms more and more. Social media marketing by Seek Social promotes social media engagement and brand credibility that pushes you to the top.

Extensive use of performance metrics

Seek Social campaigns are based on the results of performance metrics we meticulously measure for you. We will then make any and all changes that the numbers and our expertise tell us are needed, in order to better guarantee an effective solution and a positive outcome. It’s how we maintain your brand’s competitiveness.

Branding & Content Marketing

In branding, the devil is in the detail – so we make sure to pay attention to even the tiniest elements, and make sure we get them right. Seek Social’s digital marketing experts specialise in marrying the client’s vision and insight with our own ideas and design knowledge to create a branding process that’s unequivocally unique.

Honesty and plain speaking

Our digital marketing firm in Blackpool is the agency to trust because we value integrity and honesty above all. We provide transparent results and evaluation for our clients, and we do so in plain English. We also deliver consistent updates so that you stay on the loop whenever and wherever.

Competitive prices

Setting up a robust digital marketing campaign can be expensive, especially if you’re using trial-and-error. Seek Social utilises proven processes in each of the service packages – and we do so at competitive prices too!.