A Social Media Marketing UK Expert's Guide to Success

Social media marketing UK businesses trust

Seek Social provides social media management and other digital marketing services to businesses around the world. We have extensive experience in social media marketing, ranging from post creation and graphics to community management. Our approach is firmly results driven – we only use tried and tested marketing techniques for our clients, which means organic growth.

Social media engagement

Managing your social media is time consuming and requires a clear, defined strategy, with unfaltering consistency in the style of your posts and manner of engaging with your audience. Many businesses lack the time and/or knowledge to effectively run their social networks, and might fail to identify when a change in approach is needed – resulting in them falling behind. The Seek Social team offer their expertise in digital marketing to deliver results – whether this means a wider following, increased sales or app downloads- within your budget. So what does the effective implementation of a marketing campaign look like? We take you through the proven methods we’ve used in each area of online marketing over the years.

Post creation

When creating visual content, we ensure your posts look impeccable – research shows that social media users are more likely to engage with high quality photographs or graphics. We use a combination of custom made graphics, created in-house by our designers, and premium stock photography, or professionally arranged photographs, depending on the client’s needs.

Video posts are proven to achieve the most engagement – people are much more likely to remember visual content than written content. We can create high resolution videos for your channel, either collaborating with influencers or using high definition stock videography.

Once we’ve created content in line with your objectives, we create post schedules, giving you the opportunity to review any content before anything goes out, so you have full control over your social channels.

We also choose optimal timing for your schedule: we use data to determine the best times to post to engage your audience.


Engaging with your online community is key for increasing the visibility, and therefore the sales or other success metrics, of your business. Organic growth is the only method that has been proven to work in this vein – unfortunately, purchasing masses of followers and likes is far more likely to cause damage to your brand rather than increasing conversion rates.

  • Responsiveness is crucial in building or maintaining your following – inactive accounts lose engagement. Our social media team stays up-to-date with messages and comments, and maintains your followers’ interest. In order to further increase your reach, we will also engage in conversation with potential followers from your target audience. 
  • Meaningful engagement entails genuine conversation with your audience and other local businesses. This helps to spark interest and foster trust in your brand, which is particularly important for start-ups.
  • Partnering with influencers can also be a useful tool for increasing the visibility of your brand. We can spark up conversations with influencers in your space, to increase levels of engagement.
  • Community management is a highly effective way to increase your following as a new business. We engage with other users from your target demographic and inspire trust in your product or service, leading to the organic growth you need.

Regular monitoring

Seek Social has always been a results driven company – we never implement any marketing strategy without data to show it’s going to work. Similarly, we monitor the results of our approach consistently.

We look at the metrics that are most relevant to your business, whether this is engagement, increase in followers, clicks, or anything else. In order to maximise engagement, we analyse hashtags to see which are most effective, and select the optimal ones for your posts.

Once your content has gone online, post analysis is crucial for seeing how the overall management strategy is faring; we look at which posts have performed best each month, in terms of engagement percentage and other factors. We can also look at the demographic of those who are engaging with your posts, and use this knowledge to adapt our posts going forward.

Facebook advertising

Facebook advertising is a great way to grow your audience. Facebook ads are a useful tool for gaining genuine likes from your target audience and improve your credibility.

Of course, ads are there to increase conversion rates – we have an expert paid ads team in-house, who can achieve sales figures you didn’t think possible. See our testimonials here.

With an effective strategy, quality leads can be gained from Facebook ads. This is a further area in which our paid ads team excel, and we have achieved impressive figures for our PPC clients.

If your business has a mobile app, Facebook ads are a useful way to increase downloads; be sure to mention this to our team if you decide to run a paid ads campaign.

LinkedIn advertising

Linkedin is the more serious social network for those businesses hoping to cultivate a more corporate image – though this doesn’t mean you need to be overly formal in your posts. Linkedin is an excellent platform for reaching individuals in your industry, and is ideally suited to B2B marketing.

Our paid ads team can utilise the following types of ads to increase your visibility:

  • Sponsored content – promote your posts and reach businesses within your industry.
  • Text ads – increase web traffic or generate leads
  • Messaged ads – engage with professionals in your field

You can also personalise the approach by using different kinds of ads depending on the particular individuals you are targeting – our team can advise on the most effective ways to do this in your specific case.

Instagram advertising

Promotion on Instagram is essential for almost every business. With Instagram Ad spends doubling annually, it’s more important than ever to have an efficient campaign.

The Seek team will implement an effective campaign, tailored to your target demographic. Depending on your needs, we can work on:

  • Location Ads – creating ads for a specific location, which is especially useful for restaurants, shops and other retailers
  • Interest Ads – Ads which target an audience based on other accounts they follow.
  • Custom audience Ads – Based on data from your website, we target audiences who have already engaged with your brand. We can also use the lookalike audience feature to target those who share similarities with your existing clients.

As with all of our services, we monitor the performance of your Instagram ads daily, optimise the ads, and keep you updated on the progress of your campaign.

A strong content creation strategy is indispensable in gaining social media engagement. From videos and animated graphics to blog posts optimised for SEO, our full-service team has the ability to manage your entire marketing campaign.

Market research is the essential first step of any campaign. With you, we will decide who your client base are, what their pain points or fears are, and what your product or services offer to them.

Completing a full audit of your current marketing content is always essential – it gives our team a benchmark from which to suggest improvements and changes. It allows us to recognise what is working well and what isn’t, enabling us to modify your approach where necessary.

Competitor analysis should never be overlooked – if you want your brand to stand out, you need to understand what your competitors are doing and leverage this knowledge to inform your own social media strategy. The Seek team will monitor your market competitors, ensuring your website content is fully optimised. 

In terms of web content, we have the SEO expertise in-house to conduct thorough keyword research and analysis. We will make sure your client base finds you, by producing content which is perfectly aligned with your customers and what they are likely to search for on Google.

Optimised written content is one part of the big SEO picture. Along with website speed, writing with SEO in mind is crucial if your audience is to find your website. The following types of content are a good means of targeting particular keywords, as chosen by our experienced SEO team. It would be remiss of the Seek team not to note that Google rewards genuinely valuable content – it isn’t enough just to use a certain key phrase in a piece of content. This means providing articles which actually pertain to the keyword – otherwise, you either collect web traffic from the wrong source for your business, or you turn away potential clients! Here are some of the content types we may use to target key phrases as part of your campaign, and why we think they’re useful.

These are blogs which are searchable forever – they don’t relate to a time or date specific news item or event. They are informative and engaging, with the potential to consistently bring in web traffic.

News articles are a great way to pick up traffic from those who are searching for the latest insights or developments in your industry. It also shows your business is at the forefront of what it does, and encourages trust in your brand.

The copy on your website should reflect your brand, and ultimately lead to conversions. Our writers will make sure your branded content is done effectively, and feeds into your broader marketing strategy.

The data makes the decisions at Seek Social. After optimising content and setting it live, we continually analyse its progress and report back to you on the results, including our suggestions for modifying the approach where necessary.