Seek Social's Dedicated Social Care SEO Service
The SEO experts here at Seek Social offer a dedicated SEO service tailor made for businesses operating in the social care industry, both across the United Kingdom and beyond. When you partner with us to deliver this service we’ll use all of our digital marketing and SEO knowledge and experience to improve your website and it’s content in ways that will make it more appealing to Google and the other search engines online.
What benefits does good SEO have for my social care business?
More web traffic
In all kinds of businesses including social care SEO is proven to increase the amount of traffic that a website receives. This is beneficial to you in a number of ways – first and foremost because web traffic is the online equivalent of people entering a brick and mortar store – the more people you have coming in the better – but beyond this extra traffic can also help your SEO ranking and the results you’ll see from our social care SEO service too.
More uptake on your services
Because good SEO can increase the amount of traffic that your website receives, it can also increase the number of sales you make – or in the specific case of social care businesses, the amount of newcomers you see enquiring about and signing up for your services.
More trust
A good Google ranking is a cornerstone component of a positive online reputation. This is because many people have an innate trust of the pages and sites that they see at the top of a search engine results page. As a result if your pages rank well on Google and other search engines, the people that see them when they run a search are more likely to buy into your marketing message and believe that you’ll deliver a quality service.
What does Seek Social's social care SEO service involve?
Seek Social’s social care SEO service begins in the same way as our other SEO services – with an in depth audit of your existing website (if you have one – if you don’t then we can also design and build one for you, don’t worry!). This audit is our initial assessment of your website’s health from an SEO standpoint, and it also serves as a key benchmark against which we can measure our progress and show the benefits that our work brings to your site.
Our search engine optimisation experts will be able to properly interpret the data gathered through the audit, and use it to identify those areas of SEO where your site could be improved and any aspects of SEO that it’s currently doing well.
Once we know what the SEO strengths and weaknesses of your site are, our team then move on to strategizing, and creating a plan for how we are going to use things. Once again at this stage we call upon all of our prior experience and our knowledge of how SEO works to craft a plan that’s designed to be successful for you, given your business’ specific and unique needs – no ‘cookie cutter’ solutions here!
Once we know what our plan is, we can then focus in on the finer details of the precise tasks that need to be completed in order to deliver the results you expect to see. What’s more, we’ll also prioritise this task list so that we’re able to deliver the biggest improvement in terms of SEO score and rankings in the shortest time possible.
This is where the prep ends and the actual SEO work begins. At this stage our team of SEO professionals and content writers will begin providing the top quality on-page and off-page SEO work that we’re known for. If your site also includes a webstore then eCommerce SEO will also be part of this process, as will local SEO if we’ve identified that as an opportunity for improvement.
Any time we finish optimising an existing page, or we create a new one for you, in addition to making sure that the page looks great when it’s published, we’ll also handle all of the ‘SEO housekeeping’ for you. In addition to the optimization work itself good SEO also includes a range of other smaller tasks that need to be done in order to ensure you get the most from the SEO work done. Our team know what these tasks are, and we’ll make sure that they get done on your behalf.
If you want results that last, SEO is not something that can be done once and then forgotten about. Good SEO is an ongoing task that requires maintenance work, and continuing evaluation of the analytics to ensure that as the algorithms and the ‘tastes’ of search engines change, you’re aware of it, and updating your pages accordingly so they don’t loose the good rankings they’ve earned. Once again, you can turn to the Seek Social team to provide this ongoing support, and keep your site ranking well!
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Want to learn more about our SEO expertise and how it can help your particular social care business? No problem – contact us today and ask, or if you prefer you can also reach out to us over social media, on Facebook and Instagram!