Seek Social - The Most Comprehensive UK SEO Service

SEO Is An Investment In Your Business' Future

While SEO is a long term strategy, it’s also true that if done wrong, it can damage your business. That’s why many small businesses choose to outsource their SEO to an agency like Seek Social. Our team of experts has been working in the UK digital market since 2015, meaning they have extensive experience in getting results for our clients. We take a consultative approach with each client and provide personalized online marketing strategies that are tailored to meet the needs of both their business and the industry they operate in. What’s more, we do everything in-house.


We know how important it is for small businesses to get started on right footing when building their online presence so we make sure you get a high quality service at an affordable price – because we believe that when it comes down choosing how to do something, quality always wins!

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Local SEO

If your business is looking to market itself in a specific geographical area, then you need Local SEO. The team at Seek Social are experts in this area, and the people you want to guide and implement your Local SEO strategy. For more details on how we can help you be the biggest fish in your local pond, click here!

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On-Page SEO

On-Page SEO is the art of amending and refining a given webpage’s content to ensure that search engines can understand it’s topic and message easily, and rank it highly for appropriate search terms. Click here for more details on how our team of trained SEO professionals can help you make sure that every piece of content and page is ranking well and working hard for you!

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Off-Page SEO

Off-page SEO is about improving your site’s standing on the wider internet, the opinion that search engines have of your site, and as a result, where they rank it in their listings. For more details on how the experts at Seek Social can help make sure that your site keeps its good name, and uses it to rank well, click here!

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The Preparation Stage

Site auditing for SEO

A site audit is a process of analysing an existing website to see how it can be improved for search engine ranking. A site audit is done in two parts: technical and on-page.

Technical audit: This is a technical analysis of the website to make sure that things such as poor site speed are not negatively affecting your ranking.

On-page audit: The on-page section of the audit examines your pages to make sure that key SEO elements such as SEO titles, meta descriptions, alt texts, links etc. are present and working as they should be.

SEO Keyword Research

Keyword research is the first step in a successful SEO campaign, as it helps you to determine which keywords are most relevant to your business. It’s also the process of finding out what people are searching for online, allowing you to identify which terms customers use when looking for businesses like yours.

Once you know what keywords your audience is using, you can choose which ones are best suited for your website. For example, if they’re all based on specific products or services that aren’t relevant to your business but very popular in general (such as ‘how do I make money online?’), then these may not be worth targeting – but if they include phrases like ‘social media marketing company in Bristol’ then these might be worth considering!

Content Creation & Optimisation Stage

Keyword research is the first step in a successful SEO campaign, as it helps you to determine which keywords are most relevant to your business. It’s also the process of finding out what people are searching for online, allowing you to identify which terms customers use when looking for businesses like yours.

Once you know what keywords your audience is using, you can choose which ones are best suited for your website. For example, if they’re all based on specific products or services that aren’t relevant to your business but very popular in general (such as ‘how do I make money online?’), then these may not be worth targeting – but if they include phrases like ‘social media marketing company in Bristol’ then these might be worth considering!

At this point in the process, we will begin to write new, original content for you. This is commonly done to allow for new pages targeting even more keywords. The importance of creating new content cannot be understated as it allows us to continue growing your website and improving its visibility across search engines.

While our content strategy will differ from site-to-site based on needs and available resources, there are still some general best practices we adhere by when dealing with new content:

Clearly identify what purpose each piece of information serves on your site

Ensure that all pages have a clear path forward (i.e., if someone lands on one specific page from Google or another search result, that person should be able to navigate easily through your site)

The Technical SEO Stage

At this point in our service, we will take care of the other on-page SEO tasks that your pages need. These can include (but are not limited to) the creation of internal link structures, slug changes, web snippet optimisation, or heading changes. We use analytics tools to ensure that all of your pages are as optimised as they can be, and improving with each revision. We also make sure your site is mobile friendly!

Link building is one of the most important aspects of SEO. It’s how you get other websites to link to yours, which will help with your rankings in search engines like Google.

Link building can be done manually or automatically, but we prefer manual link building because it takes longer and it helps us build relationships with our clients’ competitors.

We also offer guest blogging services where we write blog posts for sites that rank highly in Google or have large audiences. This is another great way to increase the number and quality of backlinks pointing towards your web properties!

SEO Housekeeping

Sitemap Updating

Sitemaps are an essential part of every website’s SEO strategy. They provide Google and other search engines with a map of the pages on your site so they can crawl them effectively and rank them accordingly. You should update your sitemap any time you make changes to the content on your site, including adding or removing pages, images, video, or blog posts. If there’s anything that might be considered a change—even if it’s just to a single word—our team will know how important it is for you to update this document as soon as possible!

If you’re not familiar with sitemaps and need some help getting started, we’d be happy to walk you through everything there is to know about them and show you how easy it is for us here at Seek Social London Ltd

Ensuring Prompt Indexing

There are many reasons why your website should be indexed by Google and other search engines. Depending on the goals of your website, you may want to ensure that it is:

Found by potential customers (SEO)

Ranked highly in the search engine results pages (SERP)

Updated regularly with new content

Whatever your SEO goals may be however, prompt indexing can help them succeed. The great news here is that Seek Social can take on the task of ensuring that your updated pages are on Google’s priority crawl list as a standard part of our SEO offering!

Post-Campaign Review & Analysis

The main reason to understand the performance of your SEO campaign is to make informed decisions about the direction it takes.

If you’re looking for a more hands off approach, we can handle everything for you and provide regular progress reports.

Our aim is always to keep things simple for our clients. That’s why even though we have a number of data science support staff on our team who understand and speak all the jargon, we’ll help explain any complex information in plain English. This ensures that even if you aren’t an expert in SEO, this won’t be a barrier to understanding what’s happening with your website.

Once we have analysed the SEO analytics data, we will use this information to inform our next steps. This includes identifying which pages are performing well and which are not, as well as what improvements can be made to improve their performance. We will also use the data to refine our strategy and make sure that you’re getting the best results possible from each campaign.

This approach means that if you want to change your focus or direction at any point during a campaign, Seek Social can advise on how best to do so based on what has worked so far.

SEO can help you get more traffic. SEO helps you to generate more leads and increase sales by driving targeted traffic directly to your website. This means that when people search for something on Google, they find your site first rather than a competitor’s website or even their local store. With the right SEO strategy in place, this will mean that more potential customers find out about you and contact you for quotes or services.

SEO also helps improve brand awareness – in fact, it’s often said that if people don’t know who your business is then they won’t buy from you! By increasing brand awareness through organic search engine results pages (SERPs), users are able to find out what businesses offer before making a purchase decision or booking an appointment with them

Your business has a unique story to tell, and that story is the foundation of your brand.

SEO helps you capture the attention of your audience by helping them find your website when they search for keywords related to your business. As a result, more people will be able to learn about what you do and how you can help them.

You will also be able to convert visitors into customers by displaying relevant information that’s helpful for visitors who are ready to make a purchase decision or request more information from you. This can include:

Product descriptions

Pricing details


How Good SEO Boosts Other Areas Of Your Digital Marketing Efforts

SEO is a great way to get more traffic to your website, and it will also boost other areas of your digital marketing efforts.

SEO can increase brand awareness and reputation on social media, which in turn helps you attract more followers.

SEO will help you improve your conversion rate both on site and with PPC. It makes sense: people are more likely to follow through with their intent when they reach a page that has the right content and presents itself well.

It can also help you get more leads, since most businesses have high bounce rates due to poor design or unclear messaging (which is often caused by bad SEO). If someone finds what they’re looking for quickly and easily, they’re more likely to convert into a lead than if they have to dig through pages of irrelevant information in order just find what they need! This saves time & money! The better job we do at making sure our clients’ websites show up where their customers are searching for them online–whether that’s Google Search Engine Results Pages (SERPs) or Google Ads—the less money spent reaching out into other channels like email marketing campaigns which cost much more per click anyway (because it costs money every time someone clicks on an ad rather than visits directly from search).

Who Are Seek Social?

We’re a full service digital marketing agency based in Greater Manchester, with a team of over twenty digital marketing experts specialising in different areas across the industry. We started operating in 2015 and have continued to grow ever since.

We are certified Google Partners, which means we have passed a rigorous set of standards that have been set by Google itself, and we have built a reputation for being a reliable and trustworthy agency, which means that we have the confidence of our clients. We’re proud to say that we have worked with some of the biggest companies in Greater Manchester and the UK as a whole, and across the world.

The Other Digital Marketing Services We Offer

While most people know us for our SEO service, we offer a range of other digital marketing services that can help you to reach your target audience and grow your business.

PPC advertising: Pay-per-click advertising is one of the most popular digital marketing channels, and with good reason. It allows you to target specific keywords related to your business, which means you’re only paying for ads when users are searching for something relevant to what you have to offer. This means less wasted spend on irrelevant clicks, so more budget left over for effective campaigns!

Social media management: We manage all of your social media accounts across Facebook and Twitter (and more) so that they are constantly engaging with users and increasing brand awareness among potential customers.

Graphic design: Our in-house team of designers can provide eye-catching visual assets for use online or in print media. We have experience creating everything from brand guidelines and advertising campaigns to social media graphics and product packaging.

Email marketing: Email is still a valuable marketing channel, but it’s not just about sending emails to your customers and hoping they open them. Our graphic designers and content team work together to craft the perfect marketing email: one that makes people want to click on it, read it, and share it. We know how to draw customers to your brand using email, and keep you out of the spam folder!

Why Choose Seek Social?

We’re a trusted, established company that uses proven methods and strategies which deliver results consistently.. We also offer a free website review, so you can see what we can do for your online presence. Our team of experts will analyse both the content on your site and its functionality to ensure that it is optimised to meet all the needs of users – search engines included!


Seek Social is an SEO agency that offers a wide range of digital marketing services to help your business grow in today’s crowded marketplace. We’ve been helping businesses like yours reach their goals since 2015, and continue to provide excellent service because we are passionate about what we do! So, if you’re looking for the very best in SEO services, look no further than us – click on our contact us page or reach out to us via Facebook, Linkedin or Instagram, and let’s talk about your project today!