A photo of Seek Social Digital Marketing Director of Social & Creative, Paula Braiden

Paula B

Managing Director & Art Director

Paula B

Here at Seek Social Paula is another of our directors. Her counterpart Dean is all about data analytics and coding, but Paula is the yin to his yang – one of the creative minds that make a Seek Social digital marketing solution really come to life.

Where the rest of the team have more clearly defined roles and responsibilities at Seek Social Paula… doesn’t. She works closely with both our content writer Tom and graphic designer Dom on their projects, and both writes and designs herself when needed. On top of this Paula also has a client-facing role – so if you choose to become a Seek Social client, alongside Dean you’ll probably find yourself meeting or talking with Paula on a fairly regular basis. Lastly, Paula’s unofficial role at Seek Social is that of ‘Office Mum’ – she looks after her employees and makes sure that we look after ourselves physically and mentally.

Amongst the team at Seek Social Paula is definitely the Swiss Army Knife of the bunch. From initial discovery calls to project handover Paula is involved at every point, using her design and artistic skills as well as her business, branding and digital marketing knowledge to identify and put together the right solution for your unique circumstances!

Finally, away from Seek Social Paula is unashamedly a child of the 90’s, with a big affinity for anything to do with the decade – especially the music. From the big hits that still get played today, to oft-forgotten pieces of classic pop cheese, Paula remembers them all, and occasionally forces them on the rest of us via the office Bluetooth speaker!

Want to get in touch with Paula or the rest of our team? Reach out to us using any of the contact details you’ll find on our ‘contact us’ page – or if you prefer, drop us a line on social media via FacebookLinkedInTwitter, or Instagram!